Do you ever say thank you to your staff?
Staff retention is an important factor for organisations when considering the costs and time incurred from re-hiring and training new talent. Just as important is that the employees you have on board remain engaged and positive about their work – lest they are unproductive or decide to leave.
Over two thirds (71 per cent) believed their performance was not being appropriately rewarded.
Majority of employees feel under-appreciated
Sunsuper's 2016 Australian Employee Insights Report revealed that Australians do want to be recognised or rewarded for their work. Of more than 1,000 adult employees surveyed, over two thirds (71 per cent) believed their performance was not being appropriately rewarded
Of note, more said they would like a simple acknowledgement (32 per cent) than a bonus (26 per cent) or promotion (22 per cent).
'Thank you' can be the hardest words
With 2017 now well underway, your HR department will likely be looking at ways to make the most of your organisation's workforce and maximise retention for the year ahead. In light of the Sunsuper report, you may now be asking yourself how well your company recognises its employees.
Do your managers regularly thank the staff? Or are they more likely to tell them how lucky they are to have a job?

Liz Jazwiec, author of 'Eat That Cookie! : Make Workplace Positivity Pay Off' told Managing Your HR that companies should be instilling a culture of gratitude from top to bottom and that those who resist are "shooting themselves in the foot".
"Too many people leave work every day thinking, 'My boss doesn't appreciate me,' " said Jazwiec. "When you feel that your boss doesn't fully value your work, you start to care a little less and not provide the kind of service you would if you felt appreciated. You don't make an effort to help your co-workers.
"And when the majority of the people in a workplace feel this way, the overall environment is hugely impacted. Productivity decreases, turnover increases, and it can become very difficult to stay afloat, especially in a tough economy."
"Too many people leave work every day thinking, 'My boss doesn't appreciate me.'"
Practical steps to recognising your employees
1. Avoid harming people by devaluing them, even in situations where they haven't met expectations.
2. Practice thanking yourself first. If you're proud of your work, then it's easier to give recognition to others.
3. Pay attention and notice what others are doing well.
4. Appreciate others whenever you can. Show them that you value them.
Contact Flexi Personnel's HR Consultants to find out more about how we can help you transform your workplace staff engagement levels.
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