How to get hired in 2024

How to get hired in 2024

Economists warn that landing a job will be tougher over the next few months due to a slowing economy. CreditorWatch chief economist Anneke Thompson noted a significant slowdown in the job market. Recent data shows unemployment rising to a two-year high of 4.1%, with 22,000 jobs lost in January.  If you are in the market…

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How The Cost Of Living Crisis Is Affecting Hiring

How The Cost Of Living Crisis Is Affecting Hiring

The cost of living crisis has been a major concern globally, with budgets straining over rising prices for housing, food, transportation, and other essentials. This economic pressure extends beyond individuals and families – it significantly impacts the labour market and hiring practices across the country. Here are some of the impacts of the rising cost…

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Why Retention is the new Recruitment

Why Retention is the new Recruitment

In the recruitment landscape, there’s a big shift occurring – where the focus is now on retention. Traditionally, businesses poured significant resources into attracting new talent, often neglecting the importance of retaining the valuable employees already within their ranks. However, as businesses wake up to the realities of a competitive job market and the critical…

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Unlocking The Power Of LinkedIn: Expert Tips For Job Seekers

Unlocking The Power Of LinkedIn: Expert Tips For Job Seekers

We spoke with a job seeker recently who hadn’t updated her LinkedIn profile in over 5 years. In a perfect world, we would all be using LinkedIn and it would be an up-to-date record of our career history. But that’s not always the case. If you are actively looking for work, there’s a high chance…

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Should you use AI to write your Cover Letter?

Should you use AI to write your Cover Letter?

For years we have heard that cover letters and Resumes were put through an Applicant Tracking System searching for ‘keywords’, which meant that some candidates were more likely to make the Shortlist and others missed out (and maybe never heard back from the Recruiter).  If we are looking to optimise our Cover Letters and ensure…

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5 Hiring Trends for Small Businesses in Australia 

5 Hiring Trends for Small Businesses in Australia 

The recruitment landscape is constantly evolving, often driven by technological advancements, changes to the way we work and an increased focus on employee wellbeing. 97.3% of all businesses in Australia are Small businesses. In order to remain competitive in the market and to hire top talent, it’s important to understand the hiring strategies that can…

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The role of AI in recruitment

The role of AI in recruitment

Many businesses (and Recruitment agencies) are using generative Ai to optimise recruitment processes. AI can potentially play a big role enabling recruitment to be more data-driven, effective and efficient. In LinkedIn’s Future of Recruiting 2023 report, 68% of hirers said they were “very hopeful” or “cautiously optimistic” about the impact of AI on recruitment. Top…

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How to reduce bias and discrimination in hiring decisions

How to reduce bias and discrimination in hiring decisions

In businesses around the world, there is an increasing focus on implementing DEI strategies and creating equitable workplaces. But there’s so much work that still needs to be done to enable employees to bring their ‘whole self’ to work.  Discrimination still exists in many forms, including: Businesses should have DEI on the agenda and prioritise…

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Should you apply for a job you’re not qualified for?

Should you apply for a job you’re not qualified for?

Everyone’s been in the situation of wanting to apply for a role that they have some qualifications for, but they might not meet all the criteria.  When do you know whether you should apply for a job, or search for something more suited to your skills and experience?   Why you should apply You’ve probably heard…

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