How to get any job you want

How to get any job you want

Ever been in a situation where you have applied for a job where your Resume was up to scratch and you had not only all the essential criteria covered, but also all the desired criteria…..and you didn’t get the job? This has happened to me. Sometimes we can spend so much time obsessing over our…

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How to navigate your way through redundancy

How to navigate your way through redundancy

In the Corporate world, redundancy is becoming an ever-increasing reality. If you have been made redundant and require support determining your next steps, it may pay to speak to a career counsellor. Sometimes redundancy can be unexpected and come out of the blue, which can often take time to wrap your head around. At other…

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5 strategies for effective networking

5 strategies for effective networking

To be honest, the thought of networking sends chills down my spine. However, real networking doesn’t need to feel forced or uncomfortable and doesn’t have to involve a room full of strangers.  If your networking nightmare is turning up to seminars and business breakfasts, hoping to make a meaningful contact, read on. Clever networking can…

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Top Tips for Improving your resume

Top Tips for Improving your resume

Want to improve your resume but not sure where to start? Refreshing your resume should be about more than just adding your most recent role. Your resume is often the first impression that you give a business. As such, it should be strong, concise and representative of your best traits. The Flexi Guide to Helping…

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How to prepare for your new job (while still in your current one)

How to prepare for your new job (while still in your current one)

Feeling like you have ‘hit a ceiling’ in your current role is something most of us have experienced. While it can often cause you to search for opportunities outside your organisation, it’s often a good idea to firstly try and reconcile this with your current employer. There can often be stretch assignments or alternative opportunities…

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How to uncover the hidden job market

How to uncover the hidden job market

There’s often talk about the ‘hidden’ job market and that most of the time, jobs aren’t even advertised (over 80% of the time, according to Nancy Collamer, writing for Forbes Magazine). So how do you go about uncovering the hidden job market? Networking To be honest, I always cringe when I hear this one. ‘Networking’…

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How to get your Resume past the HR Department

How to get your Resume past the HR Department

We’ve all faced the situation of applying for a role and not making the shortlist (or even hearing back about our application). Quite often if applying for a role online, computer programs or ‘bots’ filter out the applicants that are seen to not possess the right qualifications and experience. So how do you ensure that…

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How to perfect your interview technique

How to perfect your interview technique

Want to improve your interview technique?  Being interviewed for a job is often not an enjoyable exercise but there are certain things you can do to increase your effectiveness in an interview situation and likelihood of securing the role. Do your research The types of channels available to jobseekers means that just doing a cursory…

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