Understanding your USP is the secret to getting the job you want

Understanding your USP is the secret to getting the job you want

There are some lucky people who don’t have any problems securing interviews for prized jobs with those *bulletproof* companies you want to have on your resume. These are the people that manage to land amazing jobs working at Apple, Google or an exciting start-up business. How do they do it? What are their secrets? Understanding how…

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How to recession-proof your career

How to recession-proof your career

Despite the unemployment rate being at its lowest rate in 5 years (5.4%), there is still an atmosphere of uncertainty in the labour market in Australia. Many employers are reducing headcount and you often speak with someone being made redundant at the weekend BBQ. Regardless of whether your role is secure, there are strategies that…

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How to do what you love (and get paid for it)

How to do what you love (and get paid for it)

Increasing employee productivity is all about finding work that they engage with.  Employee engagement is becoming an area of increasing significance in today’s modern workforce. According to a Gallop Consulting poll of 47,000 people, it was found that 82% of employees weren’t fully engaged with their role and 61% just did ‘what was necessary’ to…

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How networking can increase the likelihood of you getting a job by 10 times

How networking can increase the likelihood of you getting a job by 10 times

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably read a lot about the benefits of networking and thought: ‘But I hate networking.’ Am I right? But what if your network increased your chances of successfully obtaining the job you want by 10 times? Would you think about networking any differently? In a blog post by Donna…

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Why you should be hiring millennials

Why you should be hiring millennials

Millennials tend to get a ‘bad rap’ in the press and are painted as high-maintenance job-hoppers. However, there are plenty of reasons as to why millennials are a great asset to your business.   According to Wikipedia, Millennials are the group of individuals born between the 80’s and early 2000’s . According to McCrindle, millennials make…

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Changing your career direction

Changing your career direction

The New Year is often a time when people look inward – reflecting on their career, health and fitness and re-evaluate their goals. While it’s commonplace for people to change employers, the process of navigating a career change can be challenging, particularly in terms of how such a change is perceived by recruiters and employers….

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