The best new self-help books to help get your career on track
Self Help books are usually the books that you put to the back of your home library while you showcase your trendy travel books or your latest copy of the SBS World Guide. Usually we’re too concerned with what other people think about our book collection while we feel the pressure of maintaining a pretence of having our lives in order. And self-help books usually have such a daggy reputation – so here’s our recommendation for some cool new Self Help book titles that can help get your career on track:
You Are a Badass®: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero
Firstly: what a title! Secondly – With the plethora of self-help books on the market, there does seem to be a gap for a ‘stop you in your tracks’ funny self-help book where the author isn’t afraid to drop a well-placed *f* bomb. The book consists of 27 short chapters full of inspiring stories, advice and exercises aimed at helping you change self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviours. Essentially, it’s about designing a life you love and helping you to get out of your comfort zone in order to achieve it. Wanting to kick start your career? This is the book for you.
Year of Yes by Shonda Rimes
While many self-help book authors tend to be life coaches, Shonda Rimes is a Producer and Writer for shows like Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice. Most people would assume that someone so successful in Hollywood would have no issue attending the multitude of industry events, but in fact, Rimes is an introvert. Experiencing anxiety in social gatherings, Rimes felt that saying ‘no’ to social events ensured she stayed in her ‘safe zone’. It wasn’t until her sister called her on it that she decided to start saying ‘yes’ to invitations. And ‘Year of Yes’ – is pretty much that. How does your life change and what can you learn by saying yes to everything that crosses your path?
Whatcha Gonna Do with That Duck? And Other Provocations by Seth Godin
For readers with a career background in marketing and innovation, Seth Godin is a God. He is a teacher, entrepreneur and author, with his 18 best-selling books selling millions. Some of his most popular titles include: The Dip, Linchpin, Purple Cow, Tribes, and What To Do When It’s Your Turn (And It’s Always Your Turn).
His blog: ‘Seth’s Blog’ has been around since the late 1990’s and shares his inspiring take on the world of marketing and leadership. ‘Whatcha Gonna Do with That Duck? And Other Provocations’ is a collection of some of Seth’s most thought-provoking posts. It’s designed to be ‘dipped into’ and read a post at a time, not necessarily consecutively.
‘Seth’s Blog’ commenced in the late 1990’s, sharing his thoughts on marketing leadership and creativity. ‘Whatcha Gonna Do with That Duck?’ features some of his inspiring posts since 2006.
For a sample, here’s the title post, ‘Whatcha gonna do with that duck?’ We’re surrounded by people who are busy getting their ducks in a row, waiting for just the right moment… Getting your ducks in a row is a fine thing to do. But deciding what you are going to do with that duck is a far more important issue.
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