How to remain relevant in the market as a Job Seeker

How to remain relevant in the market as a Job Seeker

One of the impacts of COVID on the Global Labour market has been the inability to source skilled talent from other countries.  As a result, some industries (such as Tech) have incredibly low rates of unemployment.  This has been challenging for employers but is great news for job seekers.  A by-product has been that employers…

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It’s a Candidate’s Market: What this means for jobseekers

It’s a Candidate’s Market: What this means for jobseekers

People the world over have been changed by the global pandemic.  It’s left many employees reconsidering how and why they work with a focus on meaningful work that allows for a better work/life balance and increased flexibility. Chances are, you’ve probably heard the term ‘the great resignation’ mentioned in industry circles.  It relates to an…

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Some unconventional tips for job seekers

Some unconventional tips for job seekers

If you’ve been hunting for a new job and haven’t been successful, you’ve probably been following the standard job search processes such as updating your LinkedIn Profile, sharpening your Resume and making contact with your extended network.  So if these things aren’t working, what can you do differently that might help you land a job?…

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Understanding the new World of Work

Understanding the new World of Work

During the pandemic of 2020, most organisations were forced to enter into a Work-from-Home model where businesses implemented a range of strategies to manage remote workers. This included programs like Zoom and Microsoft Teams so workers could communicate with each other remotely.  Many businesses that had to recruit during this time had to use remote…

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How your Network can help you land the job you want

How your Network can help you land the job you want

We love the saying ‘Your network is your net worth.’  It’s true.  So, what exactly is your network and what role does it have in your career? ‘A personal network is a set of human contacts known to an individual, with whom that individual would expect to interact at intervals to support a given set of activities.’ Wikipedia A network isn’t about the amount…

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A new branch in Geelong

A new branch in Geelong

In the midst of COVID lockdown, many businesses were downsizing, working remotely and forced to find alternate growth strategies. Flexi Personnel was no different, but also seized the opportunity to open up a new office in Geelong, part of the long term growth plan for the business, increasing it’s branches to 4: Laverton, Melbourne City,…

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Where to start when looking for work in the New Year

Where to start when looking for work in the New Year

Historically, the New Year is often a time when individuals consider moving roles or re-thinking their career direction.  It’s a time of reflection, self awareness and new beginnings.  When you overlay the effect of a global pandemic and significant job losses and underemployment, things get more complicated. For those individuals who are employed, many might…

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4 ways that jobseekers can increase their marketability

4 ways that jobseekers can increase their marketability

It is arguably a crowded market for jobseekers at 7% unemployment, down from 7.6% at the 2020 peak in July.  So how do you effectively capture the attention of a hiring manager who is busy reading through hundreds and even thousands of Resume’s and Cover Letters?  Here are 4 strategies that can help you get…

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It’s the perfect time to plan your next move

It’s the perfect time to plan your next move

There wouldn’t be many people who would argue that 2020 has been a fantastic year for building their careers. It’s certainly been a topsy-turvy world for most of us. There have been few certainties. Many people have found themselves out of work for the first time in their career and are applying for new roles…

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