Thinking of a career change? Here’s how to transition to a new industry

People transition to a new career for a number of reasons such as better salary and opportunities for promotion, greater flexibility, greater meaning and disengagement from their current role.  Regardless of the market and economic conditions, it’s important to have a plan for how to tackle your new career journey.  

  1.  Consider what interests and engages you

LinkedIn is a great place to start.  Which articles and profiles are the ones that you spend the most time interacting with?  Also consider what interests you the most about your current career and how you currently find meaning in the work you do.  Think about what is missing in your work and what you’re looking for in your next role.

  1. Research 

If you’ve pinpointed a new industry, start following some of the Recruiters on LinkedIn.  What type of roles are they recruiting for?  What skills and experience are they looking for?  You could start following companies that are aligned to the industry you’re wanting to seek work in to better understand trends and influences. 

  1.  Conduct a Skill Stocktake

Once you can articulate the role types you’re looking for and the skills required, conduct a skill stocktake to see what your gaps are.  Could you complete some online learning (such as LinkedIn learning) or volunteer to help someone in your network with a project that will bridge the gap?  Understand your strengths, where you need to upskill and develop a plan to tackle the gap.

  1.  Tailor your Resume

Craft a resume to suit the specific type of role you’re looking to move into.  Understand the skills and experiences that make up that role and look to your experience to amplify that experience. Extend that same practice to your LinkedIn profile while focusing on developing relationships with people in that industry.

  1.  Focus on Transferable Skills

There will be many skills in your work history that are transferable to the industry you’re looking to move into.  Examples of transferable skills include the ability to clearly communicate ideas, problem solving and working well as part of a team and they move with you from one job to another.

  1. Leverage your Network

Do you know contacts that might be in a bridging industry that can offer some advice or referral?  Set up a coffee catch up with people that you think might offer some advice or referral.  This can be in person or virtual.  Most people are happy to be of assistance to others and happy to help you with your career transition.